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Decoding Surverys example documents

New Research Supports our Diagnostic Decoding Surveys!

Our Surveys Just Received Additional Research-Backing

We're thrilled to share some exciting research news! Our popular Diagnostic Decoding Surveys, a staple in literacy education for over two decades, have gained new support from esteemed researchers at Pittsburg State University’s Center for Reading.

Drs. David Hurford, Alex Fender, and Michaela Ozier have meticulously evaluated the Beginning Decoding Survey, affirming its:

  • Validity: Guaranteeing content, construct, and criterion-prediction accuracy.
  • Reliability: Showcasing strong internal consistency and test-retest reliability especially for emerging students.

This endorsement strengthens our belief in the Diagnostic Decoding Surveys, as an essential instrument for accurately assessing decoding skills and optimally grouping students.

A Tool Beyond Comparison

Dr. Louisa Moats, a national reading expert, lauds our Beginning Decoding Survey:

“This is the most polished little instrument in existence and many people are grateful that you have shared it.”

This acclaim underscores the unparalleled quality of our surveys.

The Power of the Diagnostic Decoding Surveys

Our Diagnostic Decoding Surveys are designed for one-on-one assessments of phonics skills, catering to struggling readers from mid-first grade through adulthood. Efficient and easy to administer, these surveys precisely pinpoint mastered skills and identify areas needing improvement, shaping a clear path for educational success.

Explore the Research Report

Explore the detailed research findings to understand how our Diagnostic Decoding Surveys are an efficient and unique educational assessments. Click here to read the report.

Complimentary Reading Assessments

We offer complimentary reading assessments containing all you need for the initial assessment of an unlimited number of students. This resource includes guidance on utilizing survey results for effective student grouping and planning efficient instruction.

Our complimentary diagnostic decoding surveys answer these key questions:

  • Which students are struggling with decoding?
  • What types of words are they struggling with?
  • What is the source of the underlying confusion?

Bring a transformative change to your classroom!

Really Great Reading's Commitment to Excellence

At Really Great Reading, we're dedicated to providing unique, practical, and effective educational resources. Embark with us on this journey of educational excellence.

Our Diagnostic Decoding Suerveys, backed by decades of success and the latest research, are more than tools - they're keys to unlocking student potential.

Are you looking for a Science of Reading curriculum solution? Don't make a decision without looking at our exceptional, efficient, and scientifically aligned approach used in our reading programs. We have been teaching the Science of Reading for 18 years. Whether it be our professional development, diagnostics, student grouping, reading interventions, and whole class reading instruction, everything we offer is firmly and deeply rooted in the Science of Reading.

Speak to an Expert. Schedule a Science of Reading Curriculum Overview.

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