
How to Roster With Really Great Reading

Really Great Reading offers a variety of rostering services including manual self-serve rostering, Clever rostering, or ClassLink rostering. Watch the videos, read the instructions below, and/or download this PDF for instructions on how to roster


Manual Rostering/Self-Service

All customers with digital subscriptions are eligible to use our manual self-service rostering. For school or district orders that do not include the reading playgrounds, our manual rostering tools make it easy to roster teachers and students in the new Really Great Reading licensing platform.

When manually rostering you have the choice to add teachers and students one-by-one or you can use our CSV template to do a self-service bulk upload.

The bulk upload tool is the fastest way to get your teachers and students added to the new Really Great Reading licensing platform. 



Clever or ClassLink Rostering

Schools and districts who have purchased Reading Playgrounds (our student practice portal), are eligible for third-party rostering services from Clever or ClassLink.

Since many schools and districts require rostering services during the back-to-school months, Really Great Reading requires a minimum of 2 weeks advance notice to begin new rostering projects.

To get started:
  • Complete the Rostering With Clever or Classlink Form
  • Go to ClassLink or Clever and request to roster with Really Great Reading.
  • Next, you will set your sharing permissions and determine what data to share.
  • To expedite the process, set your data sharing to only include teachers and students that will be using our programs (for example, avoid classes like PE or art).
  • We’ll review your data; if no changes are needed, we will approve your integration and sync your data.
  • Finally, after your data is synced, your administrators will have access to the rosters and can distribute and assign subscriptions. 

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