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Signs and Symptoms to Help Diagnose Dyslexia

Dyslexia can manifest differently in individuals, and its severity can vary, but there are some common signs and symptoms that may indicate the presence of dyslexia. It's important to remember that having one or more of these signs does not necessarily mean a person has dyslexia, as other factors can contribute to similar difficulties.

If you or someone you know displays several of these signs, it may be advisable to seek further assessment and support. Our complimentary Diagnostic Decoding Surveys are an easy and efficient way to detect when students are having word-level reading difficulties and pinpoint their specific decoding weaknesses.

Early intervention and support are essential for individuals with dyslexia to develop their reading and writing skills.

Difficulty with Reading

  • Slow and laborious reading: Individuals with dyslexia often read at a slower pace and may struggle to read fluently.
  • Frequent errors: They may make frequent mistakes when reading, including substituting, omitting, or adding words.
  • Difficulty decoding words: Individuals may struggle to sound out unfamiliar words and have difficulty applying phonics rules.
  • Poor reading comprehension: Understanding and remembering what they read can be challenging, even if they decode the words accurately.

Spelling Challenges

  • Frequent spelling errors: Dyslexic individuals often make spelling mistakes, including misspellings of common words and letter reversals (e.g., writing "b" instead of "d").
  • Difficulty with phonetic spelling: They may struggle to spell words phonetically, which can affect their writing.


Phonological awareness is the ability to recognize and manipulate the sounds of spoken language. Dyslexic individuals may have trouble with:

  • Rhyming: Difficulty identifying and generating rhyming words.
  • Segmenting: Struggles to break words into individual sounds (phonemes) and blend sounds to form words.

Letter and Number Reversals

  • Letter and number reversals are common in dyslexia, such as writing "p" instead of "q" or reversing the order of numbers like "12" becoming "21."

Challenges with Organization and Sequencing

Dyslexic individuals may struggle with organization and sequencing tasks, both in writing and in daily life. They may have difficulty following multi-step instructions or organizing thoughts in a coherent manner when writing.

It's important to note that dyslexia is typically diagnosed by professionals, such as educational psychologists or specialists in learning disabilities, through a comprehensive assessment that considers various factors, including reading and writing difficulties, phonological awareness, and cognitive abilities.

If you suspect dyslexia in yourself or someone else, it is recommended to seek a formal evaluation to receive an accurate diagnosis and access appropriate support and accommodations. Early intervention and support are essential for individuals with dyslexia to develop their reading and writing skills.

Dyslexia Resources

RGR’s approach contains critical, evidence-based components of dyslexia instruction.

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