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Coach's Corner

Coach's Corner

Coaching for Success: Transforming Literacy Instruction Together

Really Great Reading’s "Coach’s Corner" webinar series training tailored for coaches and administrators to enhance their ability to support teachers. Focused on equipping coaches with the tools and strategies to lead their reading teams and drive better literacy success, this webinar series helps build the capacity to improve instructional effectiveness and, in turn, student outcomes.

  • Phonemic Awareness Parts 1 and 2
  • The Science of Oral Language Parts 1 and 2 
  • Mastering Multi-Tiered Systems of Support 
Two happy, ladies standing behind a table with Really Great Reading's products and literature.
Webinar Series

Through this targeted training, coaches will be better prepared to guide teachers in enhancing their instructional techniques, ultimately supporting improved student outcomes.

For 18 years, Really Great Reading has been a leader in providing Science of Reading professional development. We have seen educators nationwide embrace the Science of Reading, and have witnessed remarkable transformations.