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10 Signs of Low Oral Language Skills and 10 Corrective Actions

10 Signs of Low Oral Language Skills and 10 Corrective Actions

Difficulty in the development of oral language skills can affect various aspects of learning in the classroom. That is why it is important to recognize when a student may be struggling with oral language development. Here are 10 signs to look for when trying to determine if a student is struggling with low oral development and 10 corrective actions to enhance oral language for all students.

Adult and child practicing oral language

LanguageScreen & Oral Language Resources

LanguageScreen is a quick, tablet-based assessment, designed for children 3.5 to 11 years old. It flags language difficulties and provides valuable insights which assist educators in identifying and addressing language related learning difficulties early. Experience LanguageScreen and sign up for a complimentary 14-day trial.

Recognizing the significance of oral language helps create an inclusive and dynamic learning environment where every student can thrive. Learn more about it through our Oral Language Resources.

1. Limited Vocabulary
  • Reduced Word Knowledge: The child may have a smaller vocabulary compared to peers and often struggles to find the right words during conversations.
  • Overuse of General Words: Reliance on nonspecific terms like "thing" or "stuff" instead of more precise words.
2. Poor Grammar and Sentence Structure
  • Incorrect Use of Grammar: Frequent errors in verb tense, plurals, and other grammatical rules.
  • Simple Sentences: Tendency to use short, simple sentences rather than more complex structures.

Download Six Ways to Support Oral Language Deficit

3. Receptive Language Issues
  • Challenges in Expressing Ideas: Trouble organizing thoughts and ideas into coherent, logical sentences.
  • Limited Descriptive Ability: Struggles to describe events, objects, or experiences in detail.
4. Developing Oral Language Skills
  • Difficulty Following Instructions: Problems understanding and following multi-step directions.
  • Misunderstanding Questions: Frequently misunderstands questions or needs them to be repeated or rephrased.
5. Poor Listening Skills
  • Trouble Paying Attention: Difficulty staying focused during conversations or listening activities.
  • Frequent Requests for Repetition: Often asks others to repeat what they’ve said.

Download Five Teacher Tips for Oral Language in the Classroom

6. Delayed Language Milestones
  • Late Talking: Significant delays in starting to speak or in reaching language development milestones.
  • Slow Progress: Noticeably slower progress in developing language skills compared to peers.
7. Social Interaction Difficulties
  • Struggles with Conversations: Difficulty initiating or maintaining conversations, taking turns, and staying on topic.
  • Limited Use of Social Language: Challenges with using language appropriately in different social contexts.
8. Problems with Narrative Skills
  • Inability to Tell Stories: Struggles to tell stories or recount events in a logical sequence.
  • Poor Understanding of Stories: Difficulty understanding and retelling stories read to them.
9. Challenges with Abstract and Figurative Language
  • Literal Interpretation: Trouble understanding idioms, metaphors, and jokes.
  • Difficulty with Abstract Concepts: Struggles to grasp abstract ideas and relationships between concepts.

Download Five Key Components of the Science of Oral Language for Educators

10. Reading and Writing Challenges
  • Reading Comprehension Issues: Poor understanding of what is read, often due to weak oral language skills.
  • Writing Difficulties: Struggles to express ideas clearly in writing, mirroring difficulties seen in spoken language.