A Guide to Support People with Dyslexia


A Guide to Support People with Dyslexia

Supporting individuals with dyslexia involves creating an inclusive and accommodating environment that helps them overcome challenges and utilize their strengths. 

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Really Great Reading's Dyslexia Resources

Early intervention and support are essential for individuals with dyslexia to develop their reading and writing skills.

Detect dyslexia early, preferably in preschool or kindergarten, for timely interventions. Have a qualified professional perform a thorough assessment to pinpoint strengths and challenges. Really Great Reading's complimentary diagnostic decoding assessments contain data collected from these assessments that can help you determine whether foundational reading skills are being established at an appropriate pace, pinpoint specific gaps in knowledge, and plan appropriately targeted instruction
Provide structured literacy programs that focus on phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. 
Make use of assistive technology tools, such as text-to-speech software. Electronic audiobooks can also be beneficial for accessing written content. 
Develop an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 plan that outlines specific accommodations and modifications based on the individual's needs, such as extended time on tests, audio materials, or reduced reading loads. After you've assessed your students, this data can be added to the Grouping Matrix to group, progress monitor, and plan the type of instruction that will yield the greatest results.
Employ multisensory teaching techniques that engage multiple senses (visual, auditory, tactile) to reinforce learning and memory. 
6. Encourage Self-Advocacy
Teach individuals with dyslexia about their learning profile and strengths. Help them develop self-advocacy skills so they can communicate their needs and seek assistance when necessary. 
7. Build Self-Esteem and Confidence
Foster a supportive and encouraging environment that emphasizes strengths and talents, not just challenges. Recognize and praise achievements to boost self-esteem and confidence. Provide opportunities for success in non-academic areas, such as arts, sports, or leadership. 
Remember that individuals with dyslexia often have unique talents and skills, such as creativity, problem-solving, and spatial reasoning. Emphasizing these strengths can help individuals with dyslexia build resilience and confidence in their abilities. Additionally, maintaining open communication with parents, teachers, and support professionals is essential to ensure that the support provided aligns with the individual's evolving needs. 

Are you looking for a Science of Reading curriculum solution? Don't make a decision without looking at our exceptional, efficient, and scientifically aligned approach used in our reading programs. We have been teaching the Science of Reading for 18 years. Whether it be our professional developmentdiagnosticsstudent groupingreading interventions, and whole class reading instruction, everything we offer is firmly and deeply rooted in the Science of Reading.

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