
Really Great Reading on EdReports 



Publisher’s Response to the Evaluation of Countdown, Blast Foundations, and HD Word 

       We are thankful for the thorough EdReports review. Many of the reviewers' scores and comments reflect
       our decade-long commitment to improving decoding skills for all learners. As evidenced in the scores
       highlighted below, EdReports gave us favorable reviews in the areas that we consider to be
       our expertise.  
       Really Great Reading’s programs earned excellent scores in each of the areas listed below:




Countdown for Kindergarten EdReports Scores

Criterion 1.2: Phonological Awareness  


Criterion 1.3: Phonics   


Criterion 1.4: Word Recognition and Word Analysis 


Criterion 1.5: Decoding Accuracy, Decoding Automaticity, and Fluency  


Criterion 2.1: Guidance for Implementation, Including Scope and Sequence 


Criterion 2.2: Decodable Texts 


Full EdReports Countdown Evaluation


Blast Foundations for 1st Grade EdReports Scores

Criterion 1.2: Phonological Awareness  


Criterion 1.3: Phonics   


Criterion 1.4: Word Recognition and Word Analysis 


Criterion 2.1: Guidance for Implementation, Including Scope and Sequence 


Criterion 2.2: Decodable Texts 


Full EdReports Blast Evaluation


HD Word for 2nd-5th Grade EdReports Scores

Criterion 1.1: Phonics   


Criterion 1.2: Word Recognition and Word Analysis 


Criterion 2.1: Guidance for Implementation, Including Scope and Sequence 


Criterion 2.2: Decodable Texts 



Really Great Reading’s Countdown, Blast Foundations, and HD Word 

Our programs have a unique design that allows for fast-paced, sequential delivery of vital foundational reading skills instruction and practice. These programs are essential supplements to any core grade-level reading programs. They are designed to be taught for a minimum of 15–20 minutes a day, 5 days a week, with many instructional additions that allow teachers to enhance the lessons to meet student needs. These scores reflect our dedication to helping schools build strong decoders, which research has shown to be a significant roadblock for many. Hundreds of research studies have confirmed that strong decoders are more likely to read fluently and comprehend well.   

Phonological Awareness, Phonemic Awareness, Phonic Decoding, and Phonic Encoding Lessons 

We at Really Great Reading focus heavily on delivering easily taught, digested, and internalized essential phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, phonic decoding, and phonic encoding lessons. As evidenced by the report, our programs excel in these areas. Yet, we are always striving to make the improvements that further drive student outcomes.  

Striving for Exceptional Student Outcomes  

We are a responsive organization that constantly strives to improve our materials and our teacher and student user experience, and we plan to use the feedback from EdReports’ review to inform future iterations of our products just as we have always utilized client feedback. We are a company that is lucky to have a direct digital connection with the educators and students using our programs. Our dynamic virtual tools allow us to deploy these improvements to teachers and students in real-time.  Reading fluency across a variety of texts, letter formation, and writing, and more specific small group instruction are areas where we are continuing to develop additional direct support to help children gain more of the foundational skills that lead to becoming strong readers and writers.  

Listed below are further explanations for several areas in EdReports’ review of Really Great Reading’s Countdown, Blast Foundations, and HD Word.  

Research-Based Scope and Sequences

The Scope and Sequences of Countdown, Blast, and HD Word have been developed to help students decode the largest number of words in the least amount of instructional time. Our scope and sequences align with research on the most commonly occurring syllable types in written English as well as on the frequencies of vowel spellings. Click here to see our notes on our scope and sequence>>

Small-Group Intervention

Teachers learn how and when Countdown, Blast, and HD Word can be used as an intervention in small- to medium-sized groups through the Getting Started Overview Guides and the Virtual Implementation Training Series. In addition, each program includes additional information on the benefits of small group instruction and notes on how to differentiate for students needing support or needing a challenge. Small group instruction mirrors large group instruction in terms of what the teacher presents to students. Most phonemic awareness lessons and activities include many more example words than are generally needed for whole-class instruction. The additional example words provide opportunities for more than reteaching; they provide the educator with opportunities to teach with new/novel words in their small group settings.   

Building strong word-level knowledge builds fluency in connected text

One of the places where we excel is in building automaticity at the word level, an essential component of fluent reading for comprehension.  

Explicit Fluency Instruction

In addition to fluency passages with comprehension questions, the heavy focus on decoding automaticity and the frequently given contextual sentences surrounding those decodable words that help students infer their meaning, aids students in building fluency, which in turn often produces stronger comprehension. If one cannot decode the words on the page, fluency and comprehension will not follow. We provide teachers with the foundational tools students need to build up to the ultimate goal of comprehension. 

Key components of strong fluency instruction are teacher modeling, repeated readings, and immediate feedback. All three components are present in the Decodable Passage and Fluency Passage reading activities in all three programs. 


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